Negative Self-Talk & How We Counter It With God‘s Help
Where are we headed? We’re trying to head to a place where our lives are all new and there is no old because that represents spirituality with no reference to the past. We no longer reference our past trauma, our past injuries, and the reason we don’t reference them anymore is because we’ve moved past them. We’ve dealt with our histories, we’ve looked at those things that happened with our fathers and our mothers and our significant relationships, and how they‘ve affected us; and what effect they’ve had on us, and, what affect they can have today. They can potentially spar up, so we don’t have to live in that anxiety anymore because we’re able to be aware of it right away, and that means we’re on the right path.
We have awareness of when we go back, that means we have choice, and we’ve dealt with our past, it’s time to move on. If something comes up, yes, we look at our past because we’re continuously making a searching and fearless moral inventory; but, there has to come a point in spirituality where we’ve really, truly departed from that midway point of past, future, past, future , past, present, past, present; and we’re actually more in the present than we are ever in the past. As we move down this path, we realize we have no reference for anything going on in our lives to something from the past, so, we’ve entered that new realm in the fourth dimension. We’re in that realm that we, ‘designed to be in.’
We don’t know what to do, but we can learn, we can find out because we have a way of life that guides us in the day that we’re in; but, the things in our life don’t have any past reference, so they become the new. Now, my past will not be my future because I’ve learned to live enough of my life, where the present is new, and there is no reference to the old; and I have truly become in a spiritual way of life and begin to walk that path. It’s freedom of just dealing with emotions of when things come up, and I’ve crossed that line. Now I’m starting to deal with things for what they are, and have to consider all facets of life. I’m at the midway point in life, I don’t want financial prestige anymore, I want financial security.
So, these things that come up because I’m older, “oh my god, maybe I’m not as good anymore.” They’re all lies, I’m better than I’ve ever been. I know more than I’ve ever known. You are more of an asset to that company now than you ever were when you first got there because of the experience you have. So, how is it that the more experience we get we start to enter these stages where we wonder if we’re going to get paid for what we’re doing? Not only should you get paid for what you’re doing, you should be getting paid more because of the value you bring, and the experience you have cannot be replaced with money. So, each year you’re in that company or whatever business that you’re in, you are better at your business than you have ever been. I have to own that, and I have to know that I should progress; it’s always about progression. It’s a great point to enter into my life where my past happened then. I’m going through my life today and I’ll think, “oh god, I remember when something like this happened,” but I’m going through something in my life today that’s unusual; it may even be a concern, maybe even a problem, but it has no reference to yesterday’s. I have arrived.
Now I’m in a world where I can choose to live today for today, for what comes in my life today, and with nothing else attached but what’s there. That’s being able to be in the now and be present in the spiritual way of life.
Have fun,
Much love,
Durable Qualities
This week we’re going to have a few applications to work on:
Durable Qualities
Durable – means lasting, permanent
1. If im not feeling well I can make a list of all the durable qualities that are in my life today.
2. I can also embrace my durable qualities as a way of life feeling good, just because it’s waiting there to be done, not waiting until I feel bad every day looking at my durable qualities.
What Am I Going To Do Today To Embrace A Good Life?
3. Every morning, what am I going to put energy into today to embrace my life, as it is today, to be happy and live the good life today? Gives me a list of things of what I can do and what I like to do. I can look at my schedule and see that I have time to do one of the things that I like to do, so that’s what I’m going to do to make sure I’m putting energy into today to live the good life as it is today because if it isn’t good today, how is it going to be good tomorrow? Especially if you’re bummed out, you can sit there and think about what can I put my energy into today to be happy and live the good life today?
Have fun,
Much love,
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