Thursday, June 23, 2011

Seeing dysfunction…
Nothing slows people down better than when you start talking about what you’re like when you get dysfunctional… If I can talk to you about what I’m like when I get dysfunctional, what my mind tells me, what my actions can become, and you are also in dysfunction, you might go, “Really?” That’s that injury connection… Connecting to that deeper, inner truth in you breeds more connection. Really, what bonds human beings is being able to talk about what is going on inside of our minds, but not to judge it because in judging it we’re disconnecting from it.
It is to know, if we’re not with God that’s exactly who we can be, very dysfunctional people. So we don’t judge it, but we don’t have to put up with it either. That’s the funny part, when we connect that way we don’t let it affect us but we don’t let it trample over us either. We can say, “Uh-uh. Don’t bring that to me.” It empowers us to have choice to not interact with it, but not dance around it either, because there’s no fear anymore. We can say, “Oh, that’s me in dysfunction.” And we don’t deal with it in others. We can totally disconnect and control it.
It can sound like we’re being mean, but we’re not. We’re just not allowing for Self to come out. People can think that someone is being cold when they shut that dysfunction coming at them off, or they over power it by telling someone, “Let’s not go there. That’s enough. You don’t have to tell me anymore, I get what you’re saying.” And we don’t let someone keep feeding that fuel of “I’ve been wronged,” or “This is wrong and that’s wrong!” We can actually stop them because we’re witnessing that it can be us. And we know it’s not going to do any good to keep looking at what’s wrong. What’s the solution? We change direction for them. “What do you want to do about it? Now that we’ve concluded that, where are we going to go with it?” We can defend ourselves from dysfunction and redirect it into the solution. We’re objective and we can quiet them down. We can even relay, “When I get like that, this is what I do.” We can change the direction of somebody going down the wrong path by our ability to connect to it, but distance ourselves from it. Knowing it can be us without God, but if we are with God in the moment we don’t have to let the dysfunction hurt us, either.
We have to be able to watch others in dysfunction and not have to feel as though it’s going to hurt us, but learn from it without entering into that type of character that we’re observing.
When we look at other people who misbehave or are acting in dysfunction, and we are not and witnessing it, we’re like, “Oh my, that person is making a total fool of them self. That person is displaying such terrible behavior, they look like a bad human being.” We don’t realize that it is also us without God… That’s us without a Way Of Life. If we can see it that way, it can free us from the potential damage or being concerned that it’s about us. It’s about them. Everybody has to travel their own path. We have to be able to watch others in dysfunction and not have to feel as though it’s going to hurt us, but learn from it without entering into that type of character that we’re observing. We recognize the dysfunction in other people, without judgment, only for the purpose of knowing that if we’re not with God that is how we can behave. We can ask ourselves, “What do I act like when I’m completely off my rocker, in my dysfunctional stuff? When everyone’s on the same page but me? Do I look the same way?” We do… That’s us.
That’s why we don’t want to enter into that dysfunctional character any more. We can learn from other people’s dysfunction without judging them and actually have empathy for them without feeling superior. By recognizing that is what we do when we are without God, or our creator, or a Way Of Life. If we don’t have a code of conduct, we can enter into what we perceive as a barbaric state. Which is also relative because our barbaric state can look different than someone else’s, but it is still Self-Will operating. When we witness this we may think, “Wow, that person is messed up,” but we remember that we can get messed up, too.
Have fun… Stay connected…
Much love,

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