Sunday, June 12, 2011
Investing our energy in the right places…
Intuition and inspiration are great aids in guiding us to know exactly where to put our energy. We should recognize that where we put our energy is up to us. No matter where we are at, no matter what is going on in our world, where we place our energy is our choice. Whether or not we invest our energy into negative, scary or concerning areas becomes our decision. We can have a tendency to go into negative energy, but knowing that we can direct our energy into positive areas is an important lesson of life.
This principle of directing energy also has to do with the people with whom we engage and the endeavors we undertake… This even applies to the literature that we read or the t.v. programs we watch. It is all energy transference and interaction with the energy of our environment and its input; the people we’re around, the things we watch, the way we drive in traffic, the social settings we’re in… We need to be aware of that energy and really try to steer ourselves towards energy that feels good and uplifts us.
We need to become “energy evaluators.” An energy evaluator is someone who can innately read someone else’s energy and know when people are uplifting and positive and embrace them. We want to steer our energy toward vibrant people. In our friendships, even though we all go through things, are we positive, do we stay on the positive side? Are we around people who like to look at things as challenges and opportunities? Who like to recognize perfect moments and relay those to you?
This is what life is about: embracing those perfect moments and aligning ourselves with the real energy of them.
You know, today I got to sit with my son, watch the basketball game and have a great burger. It was absolutely the most perfect moment. It made me realize that this is what we build toward… The perfect moments just happen because we seek them… I was able to recognize that perfect moment as it was unfolding… This is what life is about: embracing those perfect moments and aligning ourselves with the real energy of them. It’s about sharing passion with our friends… Sharing things that we’re excited about and talking about new ventures… Thinking outside of the box and being around people who think outside of the box. It is so important to feel creative in every area of our life… Where we dole out our energy can be a very creative endeavor… It can be really fun.
Take the day and gear your energy toward anything that appeals to you… Put effort into it… Interact with it… Embrace it. Think about the people that are in your life. Who has the best energy? Give them a call, talk with them, and hook up with them… Make a point of connecting with them. Start getting around uplifting people and see what happens to your demeanor. Really make an effort to be around positive people. And watch funny programs. There’s a great program called “America’s Funniest Home Videos.” I love it! Everybody I know laughs when they watch it. It’s very uplifting… It’s important to laugh! Find places where you can laugh… Go watch t.v. with the desire to laugh and you will find programs that make you laugh. That program is certainly one place I can always go to get a good laugh… Go find places like that because we all need a good laugh.
Use your consciousness to think about where you can get good energy that you might want to interact with… Where do you get spiritual energy? Who are people you know who are spiritual? Call them and have a nice, spiritual talk. Mix it up… Interact in the energy of your life that you want to be aligned with… Make an effort to go after it and create it. There are others out there that want to create and interact in that positive energy with you! They want to share that energy, too.
Go for it… Have some fun with energy choice today… Take your energy and steer it in all the fun places… Not for just one day, but start to make plans to meet people with good energy over the next week… See how things unfold… Enjoy every bit of it… Also, keep your mind open, keep eyes open, and keep your heart open… That way you won’t have to plan for good energy but you will be able to look for it and see it in any moment you’re in when it presents itself.
What is it that represents a good moment to you? When it’s happening, recognize it and align yourself with the energy. Be grateful that you get to share in it. See how much good energy you can share in.
Much love,