June 11, 2011
Beware of Emotional Transference….
Make sure the emotional experiences you’re having today are not getting energy from the emotional experiences you had in your yesterdays… Especially if there is pain… Keep your experiences clean and feel them for what they are in your life today… We will always have the information of what we have learned from yesterday’s relationships, but we don’t want to bring forward the pain and the fear of the pain again.
So check yourself with God and see if you have been making comparisons about the relationship you have today and measuring it against a relationship you had in your yesterday.
The reason for this is we can’t relive our relationships from yesterday, we can only see them in memory if we are to learn from them. If we relive them emotionally we don’t give the relationship we have today the gift of being new and better then the one we had before… that’s the idea isn’t it? To always move forward and improve… Also this is a prime spot for selective remembering and purposeful forgetting which are very destructive elements… Are we emotionally remembering some other situation that looks like this one… are we forgetting our part or remembering only what we want to?
Look in your life right now… If you feel heavy and things are not looking so sparkly you might want to see if you have been allowing emotional transference to do it’s worst. Take all things for what they are and don’t allow your fears to make them worse… Keep your emotions grooved by what is happening… See the beauty of your experience for what it is in and of itself… Emotional house cleaning and positive aligning are healthy habits to groove… it’s a lifetime practice…
Much love,

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