Friday, June 3, 2011
Focus on your strengths…
If we don’t put that positive strength energy out there… If we don’t look at all the assets we have and keep them firing hard because of all the concern we have for all our weaknesses then we never reach our full potential.
We have to stop this and say, “Wait a minute… I can’t let my weaknesses be something I focus on.” We want to treat them, there’s no question. But we must focus most of our energy on our strengths. We have to believe in our strengths.
Think of how many times in our lives we tear down our strengths because we think our weaknesses are too strong and therefore we’re never, ever going to reach full potential. We think we have too many weaknesses and our strengths can’t overcome them. But it’s our weaknesses that tear it all apart and destroy any endeavor or dream that we have. It’s wrong thinking. It’s our concern about the weaknesses that keep us from going for it and really, really giving the best we’ve got.
Instead we focus on our strengths and maximize our strengths because that’s what successful people do. We’ve never heard a successful person say, “Oh, I didn’t really believe in myself but I succeeded anyway.” As a matter of fact, anyone that we’ve ever heard of succeeding in sports, music, literature, art or business has always been, “I knew I was going to. I just believed that I could succeed. I never allowed myself to think I wasn’t and I just kept believing. The more I believed the more risks I was willing to take. The more I believed the more I could act from inspiration, and creativity.”
The more we’re concerned about our weaknesses, the more we act from fear. We don’t fully give of ourselves because we’re holding back because we don’t want to get hurt. We don’t want to get hurt because the dream didn’t happen so we hold back and then the dream can’t happen. That has to be dismantled.
The only way I can teach people is to figure out: How do I get through these thresholds? So I am literally on this learning curve. It’s been like this for the past couple of years where I’m learning how to succeed and show people how to succeed. How do I remain happy while I’m not getting everything monetarily that I want? As a matter of fact, remain happy while I’m having real concerns? Still stay happy… Still stay passionate… Still trust in my Creator… And then show people that you can succeed from nothing. Because I have nothing! Success comes from dismantling these false beliefs and ideas that I have. I make sure that these beliefs are something that I don’t have to listen to anymore.
Not only do I have to have faith… Faith without action is dead… We know that. We’ve learned that: We’ve got to have faith and we’ve got to have action. It just gets deeper and deeper… And as we go deeper and deeper we get to these critical little truths. We have to dismantle that negative self-fulfilling prophecy and the voice of self-doubt.
Dreams don’t happen unless you come from the heart… If you’re holding back any emotions to protect yourself from being hurt or disappointed, then you can’t come from the heart.
Now that this truth has hit me at a core, I want to maximize it. So I have to take that truth throughout the day and find it. I’ve got to see where I might be falling short of the mark or where I can strengthen to apply that principle and fortify it. I understand it now. I have the treatment. Not only do I believe in success and believe that I deserve to succeed and that I am going to succeed, I also recognize that because of this Way Of Life that the success is in God’s hands and God’s will. God has taught me that everything can be turned into an asset.
There is no more failure. Everything is success. God can’t remove self-doubt or fear of success if I don’t offer it the moments when I fall into it. BAM! There you go… right there!
Much love,