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Tag: Humility

  • Character Assassination

    Character Assassination If you find yourself character assassinating someone, stop in the middle, and turn it around to the positive. (What is it about me that feels vulnerable or less…

  • How To Get The Partners in Our Relationships Make the Change We Would Like Them To Make

    Everyone of us in our personal relationships has issues with our significant other, and approaching those issues are always very temperamental and very sensitive conversations; and seem almost impossible to…

  • Negative Self-Talk & How We Counter It With God’s Help

       Negative Self-Talk & How We Counter It With God‘s Help Where are we headed? We’re trying to head to a place where our lives are all new and there is…

  • Durable Qualities

    . This week we’re going to have a few applications to work on: Durable Qualities Durable – means lasting, permanent 1. If im not feeling well i can make a list…

  • God’s Will Is Our Will

    God’s Will Is Our Will Humility is that God’s will and our will is one. We’re going to practice that this week as the application, as an affirmative application. We…