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Daily Application March 26, 2010 “Love Energy”

Friday, March 26, 2010

Give yourself “Love Energy” today…

To love ourselves as we are today… Is this not an act of humility? This is an important question we should all ask ourselves each day… “Have I done anything today to love myself as I am today?”

It must be part of humility to stop waiting to love myself as I am… I know that just like other things that I think are going to make me happy later in life, even though I would say I’m happy in life today, have I put loving myself off for later? If I am waiting for other things to make me happy, am I waiting to love me, also?

This is the action… We just need to look inside to answer the question HAVE I BEEN LOVING MYSELF ENOUGH LATELY? If the answer is, “I don’t know,” then that is your mission: to find ways to answer: “Yes, I have been loving to myself enough lately!”

This requires action throughout the day to find things that you love about yourself and ask your Creator to show you things that are there in your life today to love yourself about… The answer will always come… Take note of those answers. Keep them alive with thought energy… Just as we give the ones dear to us “Love Energy” even when they are not present… So we must give ourselves “Love Energy” over and over throughout the day.

If you’re reading spiritual inspiration like this today, then you have the desire to be a better person and have a better life today. Therefore you can say, “I am trying to grow in the image of my Creator today”… Is this not an act of humility?

Is that not the register for being a good person, that you actively try to live a better life each day? If the answer is, “Yes, I am trying to live a better life each day,” then the answer is also, “Yes, I can love myself as I am today.”

We must have the discipline of learning to love ourselves more and more each day… This is humility, too…

Have a moment each day that touches you. Each of us must look for these moments that touch us and makes us feel…This is also an act of humility… Look for something to touch you today to make you affirm…

“I do love me today.”

Much love,


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