March 18, 2010
Listen to the Highest Thought and the Highest Feelings
Today’s application is to strive to listen to the highest thought and the highest feeling… There is an inner voice inside all of us. This inner voice never feels fear nor is ever affected by anything of this three-dimensional world… This inner voice reaches out to most of us during our critical moments in life. It is the pause button when we’re having intense moments… It is the voice that speaks to us when our lives are threatened or we’re having a life-changing moment… It is the voice that speaks to us after we stop fighting and surrender to what is, instead of what we want things to be… It is the voice that tells us our life is going to be OK… It is the voice that stops us and says, “Hey, look at the beautiful sunset”… The voice that tells us to do something nice for someone we love… It is the voice of reason… It is the voice of your soul…
Today try to consciously grab a hold of the highest thought and the highest feeling. Today is the day to go for the gold… Shoot for the stars. Ask your God to show you how to tap into the highest thought and the highest feeling and record it.
The reason we lose the ability to hear our inner voice is because we get going too fast. Then we live through our brain, and mistake that for thinking when really we are just sensing the world around us… We go into dark areas like past trauma or fearing the future, where we have a hard time hearing our inner voice. Without that inner voice to guide us the brain starts racing… Moving too fast to allow us to hear the inner voice…
So remember… The more you live in the moment you are in, the greater your ability to hear your inner voice and the more you will live by intuition. Then one of the greatest gifts of all will be yours: That no matter where you are at in life, you will know you are right where you are supposed to be…
Much Love,