The Three Parts of God…
Part One: Omnipresence January 23, 2010
Part Two: Omniscience January 25, 2010
January 31, 2010
Part Three: Omnipotence
We have talked about the omnipresence of a Power-Greater-Than-Any-Human-Power… we talked about the omniscient mind of a Power-Greater-Than-Any-Human-Power… Now we are going to talk about the omnipotence that comes when we relate our self to a Power-Greater-Than-Any-Human-Power. We’re going to talk about how to recognize it and what does it mean? What does this omnipotence mean? All power.
The strongest force in the universe known to man is desire… Desire within any human being, if it is strong enough, can change anything and move mountains. Men like Gandhi have shown us what their desire can do… Nelson Mandela and his desires… Martin Luther King, Jr. and his desires… John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy… These men were all filled with desires… Leonardo Da Vinci, Beethoven, Mozart, these geniuses… Every genius known to man always had one amazing characteristic: the ability to do an immense amount of work in a very concise, short amount of time. The reason for that was the efficiency, because they never worked without their Creator… using their hands with their Creator. They co-created everything with their Creator. That is the omniscient mind that we invite in to any endeavor that we’re going to do. So, the presence is always radiated in beauty, love, truth, rhythm, and balance… The eternal qualities, the qualities of life that are very real. We live in a very unreal three-dimensional world that we think is reality when it is not. Anything that is real must be eternal… It must not come and go but remain forever. That is why love is eternal… Balance is eternal. When you’re in balance you don’t know it, that’s why it’s a quality that is eternal. Balance is a consistent state… Imbalance is an inconsistent state.
As we start to apply these principles into our life, what we’re starting to do is relate to a Power-Greater-Than-Any-Human-Power by practicing the omnipresence of those eternal qualities… Then we ask that Power-Greater-Than-Any-Human-Power into our mind to help us with out thoughts, and our thoughts start to be sound… They start to be peaceful… They’re balanced thoughts. After a period of time of application with balance, it starts to get stronger and the thoughts that come to us seem to come out of the blue… They’re called inspiration and intuition. Intuition is the first marker of the omniscient mind and participating in that omniscient mind as much as you can. Which means I make a conscious effort, all the time, to invite this Power into my mind as a way of life. So, we’re always looking for triggers to invite this Power, to remind us of our communion because we’re always in communion. Meditation, in essence, as we practice and practice it becomes a part of who we are… So it isn’t something just set aside as something to do… In other words, we develop into a walking meditative state, meaning that we’re always connecting to the undivided, to Creation, to that which creates all things.
Sound comes from silence, so we’re always in a state of silence in our mind. That’s why when our mind goes quiet, we get silence and within that silence comes all idea… All idea exists in one place, and we take a part of that idea by desire. That is the omnipotence. So, as we start to feel the presence of a Power-Greater-Than-Any-Human-Power and then participate in the omniscience of havingthoughts come to us that are greater than any thoughts we’ve ever had that resolve situations instantly… We find our self knowing things just naturally that we don’t have to study… We just know. We grasp concepts because we’re starting to learn how the universe functions and learn that we live in a universe of absolute balance. How we know this is that if the Earth that we live on were to shift one inch then everything in the solar system that we know of would shift that one-inch also. If it did not, the oceans would cover the ground just by a shift of one inch of our Earth that was out of realm of our moon and the other planets in the system. They are all in sync. The gravitational pull of the sun causes the orbits of our planetary system… If one of those planets moves then all planets move with it. We must grasp that we live in absolute balance… It is not chaos at all…
So, when we live in a balanced universe, we start to recognize that balance in our mind. We start to get intuition… This intuition becomes an amazing charge in our life because we are no longer confused, we no longer feel as though we can’t figure things out, or dumbfounded in our ability to make concise decisions and trust our decisions. When this starts to happen, there is another commodity that starts to infiltrate our life and it is called inspiration, and it is idea. All idea is in one place. All idea. There are no parts in the one undivided idea of creation that exists in the all-knowing mind of God’s mind. The way that it is best understood to me is that God has one idea and that is creation as a whole, and that God has one desire, and that one desire is to manifest that one idea piece by piece which we call an infinite array of effects in the three-dimensional world. In order to transmit the whole idea from the undivided into the three-dimensional world it must be done element by element. Each element is a representation of the one idea. All elements combined are the one idea. One element we call a tree, or a blade of grass, or a solar system… The relativity of the size of the element only matters in the three dimensions… It does not matter in the undivided realm where all idea exists. Each idea has the same power… Each idea represents the same thing… Every element in this universe, from an atom to a gigantic nebulae system represents the same thing… The same omnipresence is there… The same omniscience is there… The same omnipotence is in the atom as it is in a galaxy. It’s a different dimension and size but the concept remains the same, because obviously every galaxy is made up of trillions of quadrillions of atoms but each atom carries it’s power that is equal to the galaxy. In other words, you can look at the universe like a watch… There are many, many parts within a watch but no part is more important than any other because if you take away one part of that watch that synchronizes and mechanizes the measuring of time, the watch’s function ceases to exist. You must understand that is you. We are all part of a watch and everyone of us represents some mechanism that makes the whole watch move, and if any one of us were not in that watch or didn’t operate correctly within the watch, the watch’s function would cease to exist.

Each and every one of us is the center of our own universe, which I have written in previous applications. You are the center of your own universe all the time. That’s why when you look around, up, down, right, left, all around, 360 degrees; you are the center of your own universe. Each element is the center of its own universe… Each element is important to all the elements that construct time and are part of that watch. Do not think that you are insignificant… You must recognize your own omnipotence… The omnipotence that we are all looking for is passion. Things done with passion are done with power… When someone has passion like Gandhi, to change the nation of India so that everybody was free and equal, that desire was so strong that his body no longer mattered because it was his spirit and the omnipotence within him that was guiding him. That omnipotence is within each and every one of us… We all are Mozarts, Beethovens, Gandhis, and Martin Luther King, Jrs. We all have that same potential… That is omnipotence. The way we manifest it is we must learn to put passion into everything we do… As we learn to exercise passion, our power, our omnipotence gets greater and greater because our conceptualizations get stronger and stronger. The more variety that we bring into life and the more passion that we express in the actions that we’re taking in life create inspiration. Inspiration is a concept… A concept that inspires one to create that which was conceived in that inspiration… Inspirations do not come in parts; they come in the flash of a whole idea that requires the omniscience to then break down the parts of the idea in order to produce a product through the omnipresence by our hands.
So, we get an idea, a concept… It inspires us with a passion to create, whether it is a book, a song, a building, a bridge, a painting, a sculpture… any one of the arts is where we best co-create with our Creator. Within those arts is where all of life has been shaped and formed… The consciousness of mankind, in terms of the qualities of life, have all come from the great geniuses that have produced art because art raises the consciousness of everybody. When the consciousness is raised there is no meanness, there is only the expression of love…
Love is omnipotent… The omnipotence that we’re looking for is that each moment we live in love… This is the source of our omnipotence… We all know love… Now we must learn how to live applying the principle of love in everything we do. This is the omnipotence of a Power-Greater-Than-Any-Human-Power because when you are walking with love, talking with love, thinking, feeling and acting with love then there is nothing but harmony surrounding you, nothing but creation unfolding and you are one with your Creator… That is the sole desire of a Power-Greater-Than-Any-Human-Power: the expression of love. God has one idea and that is creation, as a whole, and one desire which is to express the one idea with love. That is omnipotence… When we are in love, and living, working and acting in love we are working in omnipotence.
Have fun… Play with love. You’ve been given three stages… Build them in… For each stage, give it a Season… Keep applying it. Don’t wonder and know that when you practice the omnipresence, you touch the omniscient and you touch the omnipotent. As we practice omnipresence more we start to integrate the omniscient mind of a Power-Greater-Than-Any-Human-Power, and as we start to practice those two elements, we start to get intuition and inspiration that create omnipotence. When you touch one, you touch them all. It is not a race… It’s quality, not quantity. Get the quality of omnipresence… When the quality is there it will lead you to the omniscience, and when the quality of the omniscience is there, it will lead you to the omnipotence… And it is there, where you are creating, everything you do you do with love because it is all about love. We certainly have figured that out.
Much love to you all,