January 18, 2010

Our memories and all their effects…
How our memories affect us can be so hurtful at times… To embark on the idea of making a better life or to make a conscious change of the way we look at life, there would have to be a lot of focus on looking at our past and how it has affected us, and how it continues to affect us today. So, to neutralize the past in one broad stroke we would take our past lives and their memories and the effects of those memories, and recontexturalize them, put a new frequency or a new spin on them… That new frequency or spin that we’re going to put on them is that when we go into memory, or a memory pops up, we have an opportunity at that moment to rearrange that memory with God. Now, we’re going to go to our Creator and we’re going to ask our Creator to help us to rearrange that memory in the way that our Creator would want us to see that memory. We know we’ve found the right way of rearranging it because we have benefited from seeing that memory in a new way, or somebody else has benefited from our new way of seeing it… Or, the pain that memory used to represent is not so severe…
So, what we’re trying to do through giving our memories and their effects to our Creator is to be able for them to be looked at differently because the way we are looking at them and the way we relive them is hurting us, and that is why we’re at the point of change. We are trying to create a new foundation of change… The first part of that foundation of change is to be able to become aware of when we go into memory, and what we’re like when we act in memory. And sometimes how we go into memory and don’t know we’ve gone into memory, but we feel have old feelings… We’re inundated with feelings that are familiar and repetitive that has come from memory… Then we have to find out how we went back there or what’s going on, and then try to change the way we see the world we live in because what we’re doing is feeling a by-product of yesterday’s traumas and emotions in today’s life, and we want to separate from that because that means we’re feeling pain, and we’re uncomfortable. What we’ve got to do is change the way we see our yesterdays as we start to see them affect our today… That happens through awareness…
We need to become aware of when we have entered into memory and then in that moment ask our Creator to recontexturalize that memory in a way that’s harmonious… That doesn’t hurt to look at it… We need to practice this over and over again… In terms of that, we don’t always have to have the memory there. We can actually go to some memories and experiment… Try and activate some memories in our lives and see with our Creator if we can find a different way of looking at it, and the way we do that is part of the inventory process, but prior to the inventory process we need to have an opportunity to become free from those memories and their effects… That’s what making a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God, as we understood him is all about… It’s about turning over the memories that we have and their effects and the way affect us, the feelings we get from them… The only way to do that is to repaint them, to rebuild them, to recontexturalize them. We have to create a perspective that allows us to benefit from these memories… That these memories have helped us to grow, that these memories don’t have to be shut out anymore, and to be able to engage in that idea of not regretting our past nor wishing to shut the door on it. The way that we do that is to see our past in a different way and that is a bigger job than we ourselves alone can do.
So, we must reach for a Power greater than any human power to see our past in a different way because we have stored those memories, those pains and those feelings in a way that has not benefited our lives, so we run from them, and we must expose that… The way that we do that is that we take each memory and repaint it with the vision of what we want it to be in terms of how we’ve grown from it, what we’ve learned from it and how we can better our lives by no longer recreating the memory. We learn what we should do that we didn’t do, and learn what we shouldn’t do that we did do. Feeling that great feeling of not being afraid of our past anymore, that’s what we’re going for… We don’t have to be haunted by it…
We are going to recreate the whole vision of what our past is, what the memories are and the feelings that are attached to them in a way that is productive and healthy for our life today.
Have fun with this and your memories and all their effects are going to be something that you want to embrace today… That you want to grab a hold of, talk about, feel good about, and see how you’ve learned and show others how you’ve benefited from this also.
Much love,