February 24, 2010
Today’s application is no reference to the past…
Make a great conscious effort to not talk think or feel from the past…. Watch yourself as much as you can… Change in mid-sentence or mid-thought or mid-feeling if it comes from the past and trade it for a thought from today.
This is an exercise that will show us how much we live in the past and bring us back to the now… To get back to the now in the morning ask your Creator to help you see and make a vow yourself to try and see when you drift back into the past.
If you make this petition, you will have the gift to see and when you do see, ask your creator to bring you back to the now and look for something in the now where you’re at to bring you back into this moment….
If you read this and can’t remember what was written then you’re probably not totally in this now…
Have a great day.
Much love,

This material is copyrighted and owned by Thought-Life Connection (TLC) and is not to be reproduced or used without the author’s consent. © 2010