Monday, April 5, 2010
Wishes for others…
Today, go into the spirit soul world inside you…. Just find a quiet place, close your eyes and feel the sun, hear the wind and listen to the sounds… Then enter your heart and feel the people you love… Think deeply about the ones you love… Bring them out with thought energy, see their smile, remember their laugh, hear and feel their laugh…
Smile inside, radiate your energy into their day and visualize your energy surrounding them and then generate your energy into their hearts… Feel the love you have for them, soul by soul… All the people you love and have loved…
Now, offer your energy into those people to help them fulfill a wish today… Whatever their wish is you need not know; just grant them a wish from your soul to theirs… Don’t say anything to them after you have done this… Just be aware of the next time you hear from them and they mention something good that happened to them and you will know it was because of the wish you granted them… Smile and know…
Remember: It isn’t that our wishes don’t come true… The key to a wish is that the wish must be for others – not ourselves….
I wish for you all who read this and even those who don’t to be happy today… May something you want come into your life today…
Much Love,